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Hoi Ping Chamber Of Commerce Secondary School (Team 4)
24-02-2014 07:10
2014.02.24 天氣觀測

天 氣 和 暖,氣 溫 介 乎 18 至 19 度。

大 部 份 時 間 陽 光 充 足,早 上 有 積 雲 聚 集。


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Team 4-Hoi Ping Chamber Of Commerce Secondary School
Air Temperature: 18.2° C   Relative Humidity: 66%
Wind Speed: 4.7 km/h Wind Direction: E
Past 1-hour Rainfall: 0 mm
Past 24-hour Rainfall: 0 mm
Visibility: Good
Hourly mean UV Index: 0
AQHI at nearby EPD station: 5
PM10/RSP at nearby EPD station: 33.4 ug/m3
PM2.5/FSP at nearby EPD station: 20.2 ug/m3