Elegantia College
18-08-2011 08:30
Pleasant Weather with excellent visibility
Elegantia College 風采中學
Date : 18/8/2011 Time : 8:30 am Weather condition Temp: 29.1 0C Humidity: 74% Wind Speed: 2.9 Km Wind Direction: E Rainfall for past one hour: Nil Visibility: Fine Warning System : Nil API: 21 Nitrogen Dioxide (nearest station Yuen Long) General Comment: The weather is very comfortable today. Temperature is around 29.00C. Wind is light and the visibility is excellent. Flashing advertising screens can be observed.

Elegantia College
估計能見度: 0 公里
一小時平均紫外線指數: 0
附近環保署監測站的可吸入懸浮粒子(PM10): 0 微克/立方米