Elegantia College
01-09-2011 07:30
Elegantia College 風采中學
Weather condition Temp: 29.6 0C Humidity: 73.0% Wind Speed: 0 Km Wind Direction: S Rainfall for past one hour: Nil Visibility: Fair Warning System : Nil API: 56 respirable suspended particulates (nearest station Yuen Long) General Comment: The weather is cloudy. The API is high but did not affect the visibility very much. The main pollutant was respirable suspended particulates as wind was hardly recorded. Cloud cover might keep the temperature low.

Elegantia College
估計能見度: 20 公里
一小時平均紫外線指數: 0
附近環保署監測站的可吸入懸浮粒子(PM10): 0 微克/立方米